Проекти/ Projects
The organization has 7 years extensive experience in development and implementation of projects under European programmes as PHARE and other donor institutions as leading, partnering organization, securing experts under technical assistance contracts under Phare programme. The organization and the experts have proven expertise in tendering under PRAG procedures and under Public Procurement Act. The main experience is accumulated under project promoting soft measures as trainings in arts and crafts, tourism development, organizing workshops and seminars, exhibitions and dance performances, as well as securing experts in field of regional development, environment and tourism development.Information about some of the major implemented actions is presented below:
1. Project "Social Inclusion beyond the stereotypes", Phare programme/JSPF Bulgaria –Serbia, 2005, Leading organization. Aim and main activities: - The basic object of the project is strengthening of the process of inclusion to the vulnerable groups, as the Roma youths in the trans-boundary region are, through promotion of the Roma culture and folklore in the society. The following basic activities have been implemented during the project: Forming of team and office, Organization and Conduction of promotional campaign, Development of booklet for the Roma culture and folklore which includes the most popular songs, poems and legends, typical for the folklore of this ethnic group, Organization of 3 study sessions in arts, music and dances of the Roma youths, Organization of Conference "Social inclusion beyond stereotypes". The products produced during the projects were presented in an exhibition specially organized for this purpose. www.rpsd.biz
2. Project" Improving the environmental conditions for tourism development along the Danube river Goal of the project is reducing the pollution of Danube river and applying concrete measure for development of tourism along the river. Leading organization "Eco-SUD Romania", Turnu Severin, R.Romania. The project has been funded by Danube Regional project through Regional Environmental Center for central and Eastern Europe-Hungary –regional grant programme. Basic activities: organization of seminar, trainings, conducting promotional campaign, dissemination of printing materials.
3.Project "Tourist trail "West Balkan" – ecotourism in benefit for the people and natureThe project objectives are: development of interpretative program along the tourist route West Balkan for the most significant species and habitats; developing local capacity for the interpretation of the biodiversity and organization of the ecotourism product and marketing and promotion of the ecotourist product, the route and the biodiversity of the region of Vidin, Vratza and Montana.
4. Leader in the following projects: 4.1 Phare programme – Cross-Border cooperation programme between Bulgaria and Romania 2006/018-386.01.01/G/CBC "Stimulating economic cooperation through development and promotion of integrated tourist product:, Partnering organizationPLIMM –Calafat, Romania
4.2 Phare programme BG2006/018-388.01.01/02- 06SER02/04/001 Neighborhood programme between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Serbia 2006 project title "Stimulating out -class training through promotionof environmental education" – partnering organization Cultural information Center in Dimitrovgrad, Serbia . Contracting Authority Ministry of Regional Development and Public works, Bulgaria
4.3 Leader under the following project – Territorial cooperation programme between Romania and Bulgaria(2007-2013) Title of the project "E-79 Cultural corridor between Romania and Bulgariaand project "Theold cultural traditions and customs – common future for the new generations". The partnering organization is PLIMM_Calafat, Romania – www.cbcromaniabulgaria.eu